Exclusive Recap of My Recent Open Mic Performance
Exclusive Recap of My Recent Open Mic Performance
What’s going on?
I’m hype to start sending out some exclusive content specifically for people who have been supporting my music career through buying merch and engaging/commenting on posts. For anyone who does not know, alongside making music, I also throw an event called “Art & Social” where I provide an opportunity to other purpose driven artists to perform and network.
I believe my purpose is to empower people of all walks of life to understand their true identity as the beautifully crafted design of God.
I usually do this through creating my own music, but God has revealed to me another area where I am supposed to serve.
With my open mic, I get to help other creatives who feel insecure because they have a gift of music sitting inside of them with no support from the outside world.
Eventually I want to bring this event on tour so that I can come perform in a city near you, but until then, I want to share an exclusive recap of my performance 🙏🏽
**Performance Recap:** Click Play
The theme of this event was IMPOSTER SYNDROME…
“self-doubt of intellect, skills, or accomplishments among high-achieving individuals.”
I wanted to make sure all three songs I performed addressed this issue in one way or another so allow me to break down why I chose to do each song.
Song 1. "Porn" (Unreleased)
I actually never released this song because I didn’t know if I really wanted to attack this topic, but when I woke up the day of my event, I knew this was one I had to do. I made this song because I am a part of the first generations to grow up on the internet. Because of that, there are so many problems that I face when it comes to intimate relationships due to my early education on intimacy coming from pornography, and podcasts.
Song 2. "Come and Go" (click here to stream)
I made this song because I was reflecting on all of the people who I treaded like they were disposable, because that’s what society led me to believe was strength. It hurts when you look back on your life and realize that good, genuine people are hard to come by and when you find them, you should cherish them.
3. "In the Image" (Click here to stream)
I made this song because I was looking for my identity in worldly things. When you don’t have a connection to the creator, it will be impossible to find your true purpose for life. I found myself in the word of God truly gaining an understanding for what it means to be “made in the image”
**Closing Thoughts:**
Let me know… is this something you want to see more of?
Respond back to my email and tell me your thoughts 🙏🏽