So as soon as I woke up I felt that feeling……

The feeling when you don’t want to get out of bed because you are almost ashamed. So you want to stay sleep because that is a place where you don’t have to face yourself.

But eventually everyone has to wake up and when I did I USED THAT feeling.

I used to RUN AWAY from that feeling. Run to weed, liquor, food, IG, women just to give me a quick high, make me happy again.

This time I literally envisioned it as the fuel to my fire and I started doing pushups.

I opened my Bible and read about how Jesus was just that nigga and I aspired to be like Him.

I left my phone upstairs and turned off as I began reading and getting my day started and i told myself I wouldn’t eat all day as a fast…..

Okay, I broke the fast but you get the point.

The very thing I used to run from (Tension) is the thing I am learning to use as motivation.

That feeling when your head hurts because you are just thinking about thinking? Motivation.

The feeling you get when you see someone else living the dream YOU had in your head? Motivation.

And once I got to the point where enough was enough. I cut everything off, made it so that it was just me, and my work in front of me.

And here I am at 5:30 pm and my phone is still off as I write this message. Song finished, emails written, podcast recorded, and a little bit of my dignity.

If you want to hear the song, check it out here.